To run a manual scan of all files located in the Downloaded Program Files directory (including any sub-directories) select File > Scan Downloaded Program Files. An Alert screen will be shown for each file detected in the Downloaded Program Files directory (or in a subdirectory), displaying whatever information can be gained from the file.
If any file is suspect a warning will be displayed. Clicking on the Details button will open the Malware Reference Database and provide details on the Malware, if they are available. You can choose from the following options:
Continue to allow this file to load as normal
Selecting this option will make no changes - the file will continue to be located in the Downloaded Program Files directory (unless it is manually removed).
Prevent this file from loading by moving it
This is a good option to choose if you are not sure whether the file is Malware.
Selecting this option will move the file out of the Downloaded Program Files directory in which it is located to the C:\Windows\System directory. It will also rename the file in order to prevent it from being executed. If the file is successfully moved details will be written to the logfile.
If you later determine that the file is not Malware you can manually rename it and move it back to the Downloaded Program Files directory from which it was moved.
You can select the required option by selecting the appropriate radio button and then clicking on OK. Clicking in the Stop Scan button will mean that no action will be taken on the file and the remainder of the scan will be skipped.
Should the Malware be known to make system modifications and you elect to take action on it, Trojan Remover will offer to reset any changes made by the Malware.